Chairperson: Prof. Mohammad Shahidullah, Ex Pro-Vice Chancellor and ex-Chairman Neonatology Department. BSMMU, and President, Bangladesh of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS).
Moderator: Prof. Sanjida Shahariar, Secretary General, PCSB
Dr. Saiful Alam, MCPS (Radiotherapy), MD (Radiation Oncology), Medical Officer at NICRH National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital Dhaka, will present a case of melanoma. The patient, a 43-year-old man, presented with two weeks of complaints of progressive headache. Physical examination revealed a 2x1.5 cm dark nodular lesion in the left upper back. Head CT showed multiple brain lesions with ring-enhancement. A biopsy of the skin lesion was performed. Dr. Alam will discuss the clinical presentation, diagnostic findings, and management approach for this case.